Last Updated on March 25, 2024 by Editors
Looking for an affordable way to edge your lawn? Manual edgers or manual lawn edgers are a great option! They are easy to use and can be found at most hardware stores. Plus, they are much less expensive than electric ones. Simply use or run the tool along the edge of your lawn and voila! You have a perfectly edged lawn.
Lawns and gardens have undoubtedly become an important part of homeowners’ life. If you are in search of affordable ways to edge your lawn, then these hand tools are your answer.A good lawn mower, whether manual or motorized or a string trimmer, isn’t always enough to remove grass from the edge of your lawn. So, in most cases, there is a need for garden hand tools that will do this job a lot better.

Table of Contents
What are manual edgers for the lawn?
Manual lawn edgers or hand edgers are specialized garden hand tools that are able to create borders and edge lawns. What stands out about these garden and lawn tools is the fact that they are effective and very easy to operate.
Why use manual edgers
The grass is growing quickly and not only upwards. It spreads horizontally too. Without some kind of good edging to block them, the roots of the grass will take over the precious space of your flower beds. You might not want to spend big bucks for an electric edger like a Black and Decker edger or a gas-powered edger.
Meanwhile, you will not have to spend much to do it if you buy a manual garden tool. You can use manual edger tools to form distinct boundaries between a lawn and a garden, patio, or other ground cover areas.
Manual lawn edgers vs lawn mowers
If you have a lawn, then there is a good chance that you have a lawn mower or a string trimmer too. A lawn mower will not be able to make a proper edge. In fact, many lawn mowers may not be able to reach the grass at the edge of the lawn. What’s worse, there’s no way for the lawn mowers to cut through roots.
Manual edgers vs string trimmers
While a string trimmer can remove grass and weeds along the edge of a patio or walkway, it’s more complex and dangerous to use. As in the case of lawnmowers, string trimmers can be used only above the soil. Moreover, to be able to make these lines crisp and clear you will have to lift and use a lot of physical effort when you use a string trimmer.
On the other hand, a manual lawn edger is a lot safer and easier to use. As a plus, with a manual edger, you will do more detailed work and will make a beautiful edge for your lawn.
Manual lawn edgers vs lawn edgers (electric or gas powered)
Typically, powered tools are louder than manual tools and require more maintenance. Also, they need a power source, like gas or electrical energy.
Although electric lawn edgers are not as big as gas edgers, they are bigger than manual lawn edgers. There is a great chance that you will not be able to use the powered lawn edgers in narrow spaces or in tight corners. In addition, powered lawn edgers take up more storage space than manual edgers.

Types of manual edgers for lawn
There are two basic types of manual lawn edgers for creating straight lines or curved borders: The first type is called the half moon edger. The second type is the manual rotary edger. There are distinct differences between these two types, so please read carefully below.
1. Half moon edger
The half moon edger is a type of upright hand edger that has a long T-style or O-style grip, a straight handle (shaft), and a uniquely shaped broad blade. Typically, this blade looks like a half moon (semicircle). Actually, most half-moon edgers are garden spades.
The half moon edger tool’s blade is flat. Most edgers of this type have a wide foot plate on the back place of their “head”. This allows the edger tool to be pushed into the thick grass or dirt with the aid of a foot. Because of that sometimes these half moon edgers are called step edgers.
This type of manual lawn edger is the one that you have to use to cut through roots and tough sod. Most half moon edgers are round lawn edgers with a smooth and sharp edge. Additionally, there are half moon edger models that feature a round saw tooth blade.
2. Manual rotary edger
Typically, the manual rotary edger or rolling edger has a long handle and a rotary spinning blade with sharp edges. Most of them have wheels that help with stability and movement. While not ideal for big gardens and large lawns with many walkways, the manual rotary lawn edger is handy and more suitable for edging around sidewalks, patio areas, and driveways of most average-sized yards.
This garden manual edger tool can keep them clear of grass if you use it regularly. It’s not suitable to create new borders. It’s better for maintaining precise and clean edges.
How do I manually cut the edges of my lawn?
1. Make a plan for the shape of the edge
The first step is to use something to help you define the line of your lawn edge. Use a straight piece of wood to drive your manual edger in order to make a straight-line edge. If you want to make a curved lawn edge, then lay a hose or a rope on the ground.
2. Use an edging tool for grass
The second step is to use the blade of a half moon edging tool to cut off any grass and its roots at the edge of the lawn.
Hold it straight and drive it into the ground. Since it has a spade-like action and head use your feet to push its blade further into the soil. Take advantage of its rounded semicircle blade and rock the handle slightly to loosen the soil.
Make a 3 inches deep cut and make sure you’re pushing down hard enough to break the root system.
3. Repeat until you made the edge
Once you have made the first cut, take your garden edging tool and continue making cuts until you reach the desired length and shape of the garden’s edge.
4. Use grass cutting scissors to manicure the grass border
Finish the job and make a well-defined and clean edge with the proper tool: Trim the lawn edge with grass shears.
Things to consider when buying the best manual edger
After every mowing, you have to cut grass that has started to grow over your lawn’s border, quickly and efficiently. While manual lawn edgers may seem like simple garden hand tools, they actually are great tools to have if you want to make a good crisp edge.
Where to buy manual lawn edgers
If you invest in the best manual edger for lawns that you can afford and use correctly, you will effectively be able to give your outdoor living areas a gorgeous look. Typically, you will find lots of manual grass edgers at online retailers. We suggest you to take a look at because there you can find a plethora of different manual edger models.
Which is the best manual lawn edger to edge lawn?
When it comes to choosing a hand edger, there are several important things that you have to consider. If you want to edge a lawn with a hand edger then the half moon edger is the best choice. This manual lawn edger tool will do a better job, especially when you will try to create new straight lines or curved borders.
Which is the best manual lawn edger to edge sidewalk?
On the other hand, if you need to edge a sidewalk with a manual edger, then the manual rotary edger is better most of the time. In addition, it is the best choice if you want to maintain a lawn edge clean. A rotary edger is a great tool that does this job perfectly.
Maintenance for manual lawn edgers
When your manual edger is clean and stored properly, it will operate better and will edge the lawn faster and easier. All you have to do is the simple things below:
- When you finish working with the edging tool for the day, use water and a wire brush to remove dirt, dust, and debris. Remove any moisture with a clean cloth.
- In the case of a rotary edger, before each use, inspect its head for loose parts such as screws, nuts, etc. and tighten them.
- Oil the metal parts of the hand edger tool once in a while.
- If the handle of your edging tool is wooden then, once a year use sandpaper to sand off splinters and finishing oil to finish it. In the case that it is made from poly, avoid leaving it exposed to sun or high temperatures for many hours.
- Use a file to sharpen its cutting edge or edges. After that, use a lubricant to oil them. Typically, it’s a good care practice to oil the cutting edges lightly after each use even if you didn’t sharpen them. Just make sure to clean them before oiling them.
- Store the manual edger indoors in a dry place that is inaccessible to children.
In sum
Manual lawn edgers provide homeowners with a simple, affordable solution to their lawn edge care needs. They’re also the best choice for those who prefer to use hand tools over power equipment.
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